Saturday, March 22, 2008


Dear Diary,

it has been a long long time!!! where do i begin? the laptop crash that brought me high blood pressure with it, or the change in jobs or constant lethargy I've just felt in all areas of my life recently..... maybe all!!

yeah, on this faithful day, just after i got a new job offer with this new hot telco in town- I'm compiling my hand-over file- most of which is soft copy and also creating a new folder that i would find immensely useful in my new job- my laptop gives me the blue screen.... at this point, i call my friend in the technology dept and he says- oh oh- that's a red light- you need an external hard drive- so i order one but what do i know- the next day- bloody thing won't come on and to cut a long story short- its crashed!!! I won't go into the details of my agony!!! but trust me, it was damn ugly!!

then i decide to go off to Dubai- a warm destination that I'd never been- but had everything i needed- good weather and shops to prepare for my new job cos i had no clue when next i would see a leave application form and of course dreaming of meeting a Prince in that zone who would simply see that I didn't need to work again... yeah, it didn't happen that way....once the humidity of Lagos welcomed me, I woke up from that dream... I'm still hoping though....

but who starts a new job feeling lethargic- yep, you got that right- ME!! the feeling has completely engulfed me and i just hate it- i cannot seem to shake it off and i cannot seem to get excited about anything, I'm not even capable of feeling any emotions- I wanna do things but I can't be bothered- wanna blog daily but just cannot be bothered, wanna learn how to use my new HP tablet lappy, but nothing seems to be capable of tickling me right now.... not the thought of dressing up in my new clothes and going out to meet my friends, or new people.. nothing.
Don't get me wrong, I am not depressed again, I'm not sad or unhappy- at least not consciously so. I don't know what else to call it but lethargy.. sometimes i just say I'm on auto-pilot. I'm not losing or putting on weight- my appetite seems alright, I'm managing not to offend anyone- cos i respond to text messages and calls and on the outside- it all seems like I'm great but i know I'm not really being the normal I.G!!!

Dear Diary, Bring Her back- i know you're saying.... I want her back too- but HOW?????